Monday, December 17, 2007

Yuki means 'SNOW'

This is YUUUUki, not YUKI. you see, if you don't hold that 'U', you've got the word for snow, but this Yuki isn't snowy....she's a guardian angel. i'll explain that some time other than now (if you read this before i apologize for the mix-up there XD)This is Yuki. She is my very first Japanese character. Yuki gave Sachi her name, Sachi is nameless through the whole first half of this series, she is drifting along trying to escape and she ends up in Japan, in a bar, with Yuki. Yuki is pictured here not in a festive holiday outfit, but as she was originally imagined, she was wearing that lil' sweater and hat when she waltzed into the bar and sat down next to Sachi and then assumed Sachi would understand her as she began to drunkenly rant about her boy troubles. Good Times. Yuki looks an aweful lot like the pop singer hitomi, because hitomi is the queen of Japanese pop music to me. and she's wicked hot. Yuki is not a pop singer though, her personality more closely resembles my friend Chie, who actually named Yuki AND Sachi. Yuki is very, very important for she accidently keeps Sachi alive which,you know, is really good for the story because if the main character bought it at this point, it wouldn't really be much of a story. even less than it is this minute. which, as i've stated, isn't much... OK!!! go bask in Yuki's glory, this is the first drawing i've finished in my new sanctuary! SANCTUARYYYYY!!!


Behind ouou said...

You are a god. I'll write you tomorrow, but for now I just wanted to get my 2 cents in.
I bow to you.

Vicki said...

Wow, B, your drawings are gorgeous. You have amazing line work. You're like drawing THE dream manga here...