Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vermont on Fire

Me and My mom were driving merrily about Hanover, Lime and Etna NH. As we gazed at the brightly colored dead leaves still clinging to many of trees up here, my mom noticed 3 jet streams above us. She loves those, so we followed them, just as she commented on one particular stream which seemed to spiral downward, we noticed a very, very large cloud of smoke billowing out toward the sun. i thought the plane had crashed. So we began to drive toward the beast of a cloud. It turned yellow and white as it floated away from itself , but whatever the source, it continued to belch brown and black ugly puffs into the clear autumn sky. it was totally hot. So we followed it, zigzagging about the state until Mom narrowed it down to the West Lebanon area or White River Junction, Vermont. And dude, she totally nailed it. as we took the lil' deadly bridge into White River from West Lebanon, the smoke monster in all its magnificent glory reared to its full height and rolled its eyes back in its head. a guy on the bridge held his cell phone up to it, as though to say,"Take that, Smoke Monster, feel the radiation from my cell phone!!!" OK, maybe he just wanted to take a picture. anyway, upon seeing him, i did say,"Hey guy! good plan!" and i took out my phone and took these pictures:So the smoke monster was later discovered to be a Tire Barn by the railroad tracks down the bank from 25,000 gifts. God i love it here.