Wednesday, February 6, 2008


MU-ah-ah-aaaaaah!!! This weekend i went to see the Japanese goth/metal extravaganza known as Blood at the Middle East upstairs in Boston. Having lived in Boston for so very long and having now been away from Boston for so very long makes every visit there super special, but specialness overfloweth when you include something as mind boggling as Japanese goth/metal show. Because this means the music AND the fans. Oh the fans. they dress up almost more than the band, so much so that some of them don't even look human anymore. it's amazing. Plus this band LOVES Boston so that makes us all feel so special. I bought a

bunch of stuff at the show and got their autographs and my friend got his bloody rabbit signed by the crazy DJ! The DJ who opened for them was this crazy looking dude who is what being on acid looks like. I swear he's actaully made of candy. and then of course, i got my picture taken with the band. sadly, i was too nervous to be standing next to such a perfect specimen of Japanese androgenous beauty to even try to look cool. plus i was severely underdressed, i just wasn't expecting this opportunity to present itself!! so embarrassing, but SO satisfying.

Also, i have to mention the other band that opened for Blood, called 'echostream'. They were an interesting little number, female vocals & percussion,then a guy on keyboards,electronic percussion and guitar. The sound was pretty shoe-gazie, but it was really nice, a nice change for an opener for one of these bands. Last year it was a horrendous goth/industrial band called Absynth(which is so bad we all blocked them out and it takes an hour to recall their name and then none of us actually can and we have to look it up online). So anyway, last year's unfortuante choice made echostream all the better. except they played 'creep' by Radiohead. a song i never needed to hear again. but oh well, a pretty Japanese girl with a great voice almost made the song tolerable! When echostream played, i had a much better spot, it was before the little blonde bitches pushed me out of the way and stepped on me with their giant platforms. i might add that the blondies stood where i was, they fought me tooth & nail for that spot and then they left when the headlining band started playing. and so i hate them. BUT, i did get some nice shots of echostream while i had that coveted spot.


Vicki said...

That show was SO fun. I loved seeing you again! Come back to visit anytime. XOXO, V