Thursday, November 22, 2007

Stephen Colbert,Prince of Dreams

First post. A DREAM? GAAAAAH! I don't wanna read about some girl's stupid dream, i HATE it when people try to make their dreams entertaining for others! is that what you think? well my pessimistic friend, this will surely change your mind! BEHOLD: MY DREAM ABOUT STEPHEN COLBERT!!! YAY!!!! You're SO excited!!!! k. here goes, are you reading, Stephen? i love you. and i dreamed about you naked.

ok ok. so i work in this office building. Stephen Colbert was my boss. Violent and verbally abusive,he presides in his giant corner office, hidden behind a smokey glass door hurling his opinions forth like apples from an angry tree, over a loud speaker system somehow projecting out from underneath the desks of his One day, Mr. Colbert was particularly upset over some goings on in the office. He called me into his office. and i was afraid. I was more afraid when i opened the foreboding glass door. He stood behind his desk, pointing and hollering at me to close the door.
i did as i was told, quickly shutting the door behind me and folding my hands over my stomach,biting my bottom lip and staring at the floor, for as i turned to face him, i realized he was naked. Naked as the day he was born. A stack of paper work that sat on the edge of his desk piled up high enough to shield uhm...the manly know....from view. But i was still so shocked i had to look at the floor. Anyway, he told me how angry he was over...something...i had trouble understanding what the hell he was so upset about because...he was naked. Then he said that he wanted to go give everyone else a piece of his mind, but that he couldn't,because he was naked. So this is why he needed me. He wanted me to walk in front of him,to shield him from all those gaping eye-balls as he gave them what for.
It all made perfect sense to me. So i turned to face the door and he came up behind me and stood right on my heels as we went out into the main lobby area where all the other employees sat, bewildered,at their cubicles. I was taking awkward baby steps so i wouldn't get too far ahead of him, fearing the repercussions of exposing him. The only thing i found to be unfortunate about this whole bit was that he chose me to stand behind, so i couldn't even catch a glimpse of that cute little bottom he must have.
So we went from cubicle to cubicle,Stephen shouted orders and obscenities from behind me and commanded me to make messes of all the papers and personal articles all over each and every employee's desk. i threw papers and spilled coffee on keyboards. i was quite destructive. then suddenly, other screams could be heard over Stephen's...But these were not screams of anger, these were screams of terror. All the commotion in the office came to a screeching halt as we all listened....Stephen was very agitated that someone was infringing upon his special time with his employees. He ordered me to walk us over to the nearest window as it seemed the hollering was coming from the outdoors. Now comes the part of the dream where we're reminded that it's a dream, but it's almost over, so please read on:
We gazed down the 15 or so stories to the ground below. Apparently this building was located in the middle of a large mound of dirt. Like an island, but not made of sand. it was dark, rich soil. And in the middle sat the building we all worked in. And directly to the building's left, a cave. Running around the cave? Two unknown Red Sox players. They were screaming at each other, laughing and circling the cave...Stephen watched on from over my shoulder, now it was he who felt bewilderment. He ordered me to go down to the dirt and shut the men up. i obeyed, as i left Stephen's presence i became increasingly frustrated as now i couldn't even see him, never mind his butt.
The Red Sox seemed to be daring each other to do something...then one of them threw a Nerf Football into the mouth of the cave...both men stopped running and there was silence for only a moment.Then a bear, a giant grizzly stumbled out of the cave. He stood on his hind legs and roared. the man who'd thrown the football took off toward his friend and the bear galloped behind them. i had been standing on the opposite side of the cave, and as the 3 of them came thundering toward me, i reluctantly understood that perhaps i too, should run. So we ran to 3 evenly placed trees and climbed them...the two Red Sox players and myself, i mean...and once all of us were sufficiently trapped, the bear stood up again, and shouted,"NOW I HAVE TO KILL YOU!!!! I'M A BEAR!!!! IT'S MY NATURE!!!!!"

Then i woke up. this dream is SUCH a dream. as a front desk employee at a currently off season hotel, one might watch a lot of TV. And then one might have a dream much like this. complete with product placement. I watch the Colbert Report and baseball. Let us keep in mind that Stephen Colbert is terrified of bears, he's always talking about how they are the number one threat to America. So this is completely made up of images from the telly, and compiled by my subconscious into this hilarious romp. well, i found it to be hilarious. but hey, maybe it was just another boring dream you didn't have. but you read it anyway!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!


Behind ouou said...

I am so happy you are blogging! It looks PERFECT! Hooray!

Vicki said...

That is the funniest thing I have ever read, ever. I love you. I also love Stephen Colbert, and Laurie.